Do you relate to any of these business issues?
Brand extension has been the 'thing' of the 90's and more recently the last few years.
Now we have Jungle book 2 from Disney, Jaguar sells sports attire and JCB has a full line of clothing for children. In every case we are buying an experience - Disney the old Jungle Book, JCB the brand, Jaguar the pinache. In all cases they are leveraging this experience collateral to encourage you to buy something new and often of lower esteem.
Partner leverage
The same applies for business-to-business products, in fact here partners use each other as leverage as-well-as their product brands themselves.
The art, is to understand which is of value in the brand extension, isolate that essence and then project it to a buying community.
Just add 'branding hierarchy' to strategy for instant value
So where do you start? Which brand do you leverage - indeed how do you value the strength of the brand to start with?
This is typical of the questions we encounter when offering brand extension advice - we help through a structured approach to clear the path for profitable brand extension.
Anderson Baillie Business Growth - Brand Extension & Franchise Programme will enable your business to:
Create an international brand extension strategy
Develop a channel strategy inline with your branding extensiom
Reduce your cost of marketing through leverage of a superior brand
Create a franchising approach as well as brand extension
The Anderson Baillie Business Growth - Brand Extension & Franchise Programme explores your business issues through accurately focused consultancy packages based on your actual business requirements.
Target Investment LevelsA finite review of market revenue potential for initial fiscal year and then there on for a specified period of long-term development. This is then related to bundling stratey which determines business requirements to achieve target investment and revenue levels. Target Market Gap AnalysissA comprehensive review of new target market dynamics, correlation to existing marketing accessibility, product and service saturation, level of audience understanding and motivation. Focus Group Targeting & ProfilingRefined evaluation of the motives behind customer purchases, why they deemed the company important and discarded alternative offerings. This will add to the bundling frameworks so not as to deteroate branding standards. Competition Aggression & PenetrationAssessment of competition intensity, messages and brand collateral, which may form a barrier to entry. Market Diversity & OverlapAssessment of the markets, penetration effectiveness, channel and direct sales engagement strategies to determine business overlap and value add potential. Gap AnalysisA comprehensive review of each of the markets inline with the brand extensions and an external assessment inline with their competition. LegalitiesA full audit of legislative requirements and restrictions which are applicable to the brand extension as well as the issues of barrier to entry and conformity to regulation through the DTI or European Community. Essence Valuation (for Brand Collateral)Proposition EducationIdentifying Product Extender (In-house & with Partners)A review of appropriate internal products or services whose brand is more prevalent to the current product and may enforce its credibility. This will also include prop-up support evaluation provided by the offering of complementary partner products or services. Brand Selection AnalysisComprehensive review of brands, people and companies that may be appropriate to include within the brand extension strategy, their positive value, risk and fiscal uplift that they may bring to a current product portfolio. International Branding ReviewFor companies considering overseas channel development using a brand extension strategy. A review of legalities, risk and brands that might meet criteria to enable a brand extension approach. Creation of a Branding HierarchyCreation of brand guidelines and strategic placing of brands to enable a coherent story and reason behind the brand association. Assessment of Endorsements to support Brand ExtensionA review of people based associations with your brand, the complications, contractual terms and risk associated with using a person or notoriety. Developing a Franchise Outlet StrategyA review and consideration of outlet base brand association using franchise outlets or partners to promote your goods and services without direct brand association. Bundling Price Mechanisms & Launch ProgrammesCross & Up-sell PotentialA complete review of the product stable for each of the companies in line with current selling engagements and marketing promotions to determine 'quick win' cross sell and up-sell opportunities as well as more long-term cross fertilisation strategies. Promotion & Brand ManagementCampaign planning and strategy formulation to maximise promotion effectiveness of the association as well as brand value to assist in initial launch a long-term market development. Partner Plan & Channel UseAssessment of partners and the opportunities to add value through bundling of their services and promotions as well as new partner selection. Creating the Brand Extension Engagement Plan |
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